Now that I'm not commuting 80 minutes a day, I have some extra time on my hands! And, being the absolute geek that I am, I've been spending it reading about journostuff.

Yep. My new word of the day: journostuff. I had to bold, underline and italicize that bad boy for the optimal effect.

News University, a Poynter project, has recently revamped their Web site, and I must say that I'm quite pleased with what they have done.

The old Web site was OK, but at times the navigation felt a bit clunky and awkward. I had problems finding courses, and the pages loaded somewhat slowly.

The new and improved Web site is indeed new and improved. I like it.

I like it a lot.

The pages don't make me feel claustrophobic anymore, and searching for courses is much easier now.

I will really enjoy going through the courses and discovering more about the world of journalism. I'll keep you guys posted!

Check out this page to see what course I'm going through and a link to my comments on the course.